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Our partner, Project OKURASE, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the United States and an NGO based in the rural village of Okurase, in the Upper West Akyem District of the eastern region of Ghana, West Africa. Okurase is about one and a half hours from the capital of Accra and is home to approximately 3,500 people, half of whom are children.

The mission of Project OKURASE is to empower the local people, with one of their main focuses being education. In the village of Okurase, there aren't enough schools for most children to attend. Girls especially end up not receiving an education. This sounds unfair and I wanted to change this. 

I was fortunate to have met Professor Cynthia Swenson, a professor of Psychiatry at the Medical University of South Carolina. She is dedicated to the vision of Project OKURASE and to the people of Okurase. She told me that many families in Okurase wanted their children in to attend Nkabom Montessori School but did not have the funds to do so. It broke my heart, and I was determined to help.


She shared with me that it takes $35 per month to send one student to school. I am excited to be able to send one student to school from the money I earn from my job and from selling craft items. However, I am determined to get help for more than one child to go to school. For that, I am committed to finding sponsors who can help kids attend school. 

Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. If you would like to Be a Joy-Giver. 

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