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Hello! I’m Maahi,

Bag of Joy was started when I was in 5th grade. My goal was to spread joy among kids facing hardships. Since then, I’ve been raising money through various campaigns and putting smiles on kids’ faces. We partner with Friends of Foster Kids and Project Okurase to help kids in need, both locally and globally. Seeing the happiness and excitement in these children is incredibly rewarding, and it motivates me to keep working hard to make a difference.

Campaign 2019

GoFundMe Initiative: In my first year, as a 5th grader, I started a GoFundMe campaign. I shared my wish to help foster kids have a fun Christmas with my family and friends. I’m happy to say I was supported by them.

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Campaign 2020

Maahi's Munchkins: During the Covid year in 6th grade, we were schooling from home. I started a babysitting business to help out moms in my neighborhood. I taught the little kids to read and did art projects with them.


Campaign 2021

Recycling Cans: Covid was still ongoing, and by now, I was in 7th grade. I decided to start recycling cans to raise money for Bag of Joy. It was a great way to stay active and contribute to a good cuase.

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Campaign 2022

Recycling Cans: In 8th grade, I continued recycling cans to raise money for Bag of Joy. This year, I expanded to five neighborhoods. Raising money and being good to the environment—a win-win!

Campaign 2023

Got a Job: Now that I was in 9th grade, I was able to get a job as a grader at a learning center. Being able to earn money to put towards Bag of Joy was the best feeling ever.

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Campaign 2024

Business & Working: I started a small business making personalized cups and coasters, selling them at art fairs and expos. I also continued to work as a junior admin at the learning center.

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